So, here we are in a new term in a new school year. My daughter is back in School full-time, and I am awaiting a call from the headteacher to discuss our flexi-schooling options (if she decides we should have any). I have written a 3-page letter to my daughter's class teacher outlining her difficulties as I haven't had any previous contact with her, and am meeting her tomorrow to discuss how she is going to put the recommendations given by professionals into the classroom setting - wish me luck!
But my daughter is, so far, happy at School and that is the main thing. She is so much more confident after her term flexi-schooling and seems to grasp everything (even spellings!) much more successfully.
So what am I whingeing on about now?!
All the others.... I tutor don't I, so I am seeing other children who are stuck in the place that my daughter was, with no confidence, no understanding about why they are struggling and no enjoyment of School. I hear their voices and I see their 'dead' eyes as they give up on a system that just doesn't cater for them. And then I hear about the Education Secretary's wise decision to change the GCSE into a qualification that will exclude success for dyslexic students even more. You know what I think? Dyslexic people think 'outside the box,' they challenge accepted practice (even the way words are spelt!), and are often tantamount to genius in certain areas. So of course our Governments want to keep them down by excluding them from an education - who wants someone who challenges the system in Government or in high flying public sector positions....they want 'yes men' (and yes - it is usually men too). By denying them a GCSE English and/or Maths they are stuffed. And so Government is full of the top 20% - we all think the same way - brains. Brilliant!!
Sometimes I feel that the system is just too big to beat, but then I read another facebook entry, twitter post or blog with similar stories to mine, or I help a child struggling and suffering in our education system & I think I can't give this up.
But, I also need some help! So if you or anyone you know has any ideas, inspiration or clout with the powers that be to improve the education of dyslexic students in mainstream schools - please get in touch, my email is, I look forward to hearing from you!!
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